In his address Tuesday,the president is expected to appeal for national unity and a bipartisan effort to grapple with festering problems,,especially job creation and the deficit. The president will try to keep the deficit conversation in broad terms,,fearing that detailed proposals would put Republicans,Democrats and Washington interest groups into a defensive crouch before real negotiations can take place,,officials familiar with the speech say.
While Obama told supporters in a video released Saturday that he will focus on economic issues,,particularly jobs,,he also spoke of investing in educating workers and in research and technology. That set off alarms among Republicans.“Any time they want to spend,they call it investment,,so I think you will hear the president talk about investing a lot Tuesday night,,”said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Both the White House and House Republicans are making the budget deficit central to their economic programs. Republicans want immediate,,dramatic cuts to domestic programs in Congress‘s annual spending bills. “We have to shrink government. We have to cut spending. And we need to really look to the private sector to grow jobs,,”said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor(R.,Va.)Sunday on NBC’s“Meet the Press”.
Moody‘s outlook would only be dropped if Washington takes no action at all to trim spending or raise taxes over the long term,said Steven Hess,,Moody’s lead analyst for the United States debt rating.