IanM cCafferty,,CBI chief econom ic advi-ser said,“T
heshort-term datacontinuetocloudthe issue,,but there are grow ingrisks
ofinflationbecom ingm oreingrainedas firm s at-tem ptto bolstertheirprofitm
arginsandem ployees seekhigher w age rises inthe face of sharplyincreasedcosts
of energyandcom m odi-ties.”
英國(guó)工業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì)(C B
I)首席經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家IanM cC
T hem ost likelyscenariois that therew
illbenorateriseuntil M ayat theearliest,,thefirst m eetingat w hichtheM PC w ill
havehadthebenefit of seeingG D P figures for thefirstquarterof theyear. A ssum
ing they do notsh ow that the U K has slipped furtherbackw ards,the date
shouldgive reassurance tothosew ithhaw kishinstincts ontheM PC thata rate rise w
on’t strangle the
最有可能出現(xiàn)的情況就是英國(guó)央行最早于5月加息,,因?yàn)榈綍r(shí)英國(guó)央行貨幣政策委員會(huì)將獲知今年第一季度G D
T heO fficeforN ational StatisticssaidFridaythat output
prices,,those chargedat thefactorygate,rose 5.3% from a year earlier. Itw
asthehighest ratesinceO ctober2008andaboveJanuary’s 5.0% inflationrate. H
igheroutput prices from producers w ill put pressureonretailers toincrease their
ow nprices,,poss-iblyfuelingfurther rises intheconsum
er-priceindexandspurringtheBO E totightenm
Further clues ontheinterest-rateoutlookw ill com e next
T uesdayw ithpublicationof of-ficial U K consum erpricesdataforFebruary.Figures
last m onthshow edannual U K C PI in-flationrosefrom 3.7% inD ecem ber to4%
inJanuary - tw icethe2% target set fortheBankof Englandbythe
T he B ritish C ham bers ofC om m erce(BC C )w elcom
edthecentral bank’s decisiontoleave rates onholdbut saidthat
ongoingspeculationover interest rates couldharm business.“WhiletheM PC cannot
forecast itsfutureactions,the w ayit currentlycom m unicates
cancreateuncertainty. T heM PC m ust address thisinorder to give businesses andm
arket analystsagreater degreeof predictability.”saidD avidK ern,,chief econom ist
at the BCC .
英國(guó)商會(huì)對(duì)央行決定表示歡迎,,但同時(shí)也表示對(duì)于市場(chǎng)對(duì)于未來利率變化的猜想有可能對(duì)工商業(yè)不利。B C
C首席經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家D avid K ern表示,,“盡管央行貨幣政策委員會(huì)目前無法預(yù)測(cè)未來的決策,,但與市場(chǎng)的交流方式將產(chǎn)生巨大的不確定性,MP